There's more to stock than boiled bones. I like to add plenty of herbs, spices and vegetables to the mix. But I never salt it for fear that I will forget, and salt the dish again while cooking.
When making chicken stock I like to add 3 large carrots, a few parsnips, an onion, a bulb of garlic, and a fist full of fresh summery herbs: sage, thyme, oregano, marjoram, parsley, cilantro. I also toss in a few peppercorns.
When making beef stock, I add 3 large onions, a bulb of garlic, and some of the savory spices: a spoonful each of caraway seed, dill seed, coriander seed, a small spoon of cumin seed and peppercorns, and a few dried hot peppers (seeds included). As well as a bit of rosemary and sage.
Put your bones in a large pot and add water just to cover. I let all of the ingredients simmer for a few days on the wood stove, after all the meat and joints fall apart. Simmer long enough to cook the bones thoroughly, because you want all of the marrow and gelatin. I refresh the water level to the original amount when enough of it boils off. Some may not, but I always get a rich broth with a gelatin structure.
When using the bones of large animals you will be able to see when the marrow has been cooked out.
After processing, when the stock is cooled to room temperature, it should be firm and gelatinous. Provided that the animal was mature and healthy. I have found that young broiler chickens do not have much gelatin or marrow in their bones, in fact, they grow so fast that their bones are easy to snap while butchering. Mature hens and older animals will make wonderful stock.
A good, homemade stock makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it? I find it makes the most satisfying risotto I've ever had!
hooray for a stock post! I have photos I took while making mine the last time but still have yet to pull he whole post together. Where has the year gone?
oh! question! I usually let my beef stock simmer on low for 2 days, but I found out (the hard way) that letting chicken stock simmer that long ended up in VERY dark stock with an almost burned taste :( that ever happen to you?
farmmom, yummm...risotto
Cynthia, Hi! Hope you are happy in your new home.
Hmm, I guess the difference is that mine is on a wood stove for 2 days, which means that the heat varies. To translate it to a gas/electric stove it would be more like turning the heat on low for an hour and then off for an hour or so. Just as long as it is steaming hot, it will draw out the marrow and minerals from the bones. I can imagine that chicken stock would burn more easily. I use a thin bottomed stock-pot, and it never burns on the bottom. Perhaps a slow cooker would give you the same results, a gas/electric stove doesnt have a low enough setting.
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