16 March 2009

Out in the sun

Everyone got out in the sun today. We have had some gorgeous sunny days this week, but it's just hanging at the freezing point in the daytime, and darn cold at night, -15 to -20C, so the snow is still not melting, 3 feet to go. I get a bit antsy for the snow to melt this time of year. Drives Mr. Fritillary crazy. I even went so far as digging a hole in the snow over the garden last spring, and measuring how deep it was every time it melted a bit! Good thing the birds start to show up again in April, and keep me busy. I started identifying the birds last spring with my Peterson guide and a spyglass. A birding pirate at the kitchen window! Mr. Fritillary keeps himself busy writing (besides fetching wood and carrying water), working on some essays on Postmodern Agrarianism. Patience is the name of the game now, soon enough the busy growing season will sweep aside all other pursuits.

The goats and horse stick to the packed snow in front of the barn. Pilgrim tested the snow a week ago, but he can't go far. You can tell it is Pilgrim's usual hang-out, that's not dirt you see! It is a bit of a sun catch, out of the wind, and he likes the company of the goats.

Check out that bag! Pretty good balance too. :)
Juniper has absolutely no fear of Pilgrim, even though this is the first horse she has ever hung around. She treats him like a big goat, and walks right underneath him, Pilgrim is a gentle giant with the goats. Poor fella can't wait to have a proper roll and romp out in the pasture.

Even miss kitty found a warm spot out of the wind for a snooze. Up in the bay window where the seedlings will be moving, hopefully she is not troublesome, we may have to put up a little electric fence to keep her out. She is cute, but not very smart. Promptly after this picture, and the bit of attention it got her, she rolled over to strike another pose and fell off! Wish I got that picture, hanging by one paw to the wood. Giggle. She did the same thing off the front steps this morning, not the brightest button.

Even the bikes got some sun... Winter is hard on them too, salty roads and rusty chains and all.
Snow bank at the end of the driveway is still about 6 feet tall. Mr. Fritillary cuts some stairs into the bank for access.
Sorry I haven't gotten many pics of the kids up here, they don't stay still long enough for a decent shot! Only when they are drinking milk. We got them drinking out of the bucket this week. Not something they take to on their own, always preferring the nipple. We don't like to starve them into drinking out of the bucket, so we submerge the nipple into the milk and they drink through it like a straw. Once they get the idea that there's milk down there, they figure out the rest.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry it's still so cold there. I would be getting quite stir crazy (as I was a few weeks ago before the warmup here).

    I love the picture of the horse and goat. So cute!

    So how long is it going to be until you are able to plant? I was out planting beet seeds in my cold frame yesterday hoping for an early harvest of beets.

  2. Awww....great pics my friend. I always enjoy seeing your homestead...although I am sorry about the snow! I'd be so stir crazy!!

  3. I love the comment "birding pirate from the kitchen window." It's brilliant. I'm living on the west coast of BC, (canada) and I'm an occasional peruser. I'm really enjoying your blog. And I love your pictures. Thanks for posting!

  4. Chiots, well, our first true planting would be lettuce, spinach and radish in the first week of May, but under a hoop house we could be a week or two earlier, in a green house possibly a month. Your cold-frame beds look great!

    farmmom, well we do kind of crack up a bit, a bit wacky, make one another laugh a lot. Every time the sun comes out and the snow melts a bit, I get out my favorite long gardening skirts and wear them in the house!

    Amanda, hi welcome! Are you in that delicious pocket of warmth around Vancouver? Well I'm glad you like the blog, thanks for visiting!


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