06 October 2008

A final bloom of color

I love this time of year, but it goes so quickly. These are some images from our bicycle "commute" to the internet access center. There are few maples on the land we are renting so the changing leaves are not so dramatic outside our own windows.

This year the leaves seamed to change quite rapidly, they peaked and faded before I expected. Just one clear windy day can do much to send leaves flying, and swirling to the ground.


  1. The fall colors are gorgeous, our forest here is mostly conifer, with very few deciduous trees for leaf color. Only our vine maples, and chestnuts provide us with a show in the fall.

    Our soil is wet, wet, wet, we are waiting patiently to plant our garlic.

  2. Oh I love it. Ours aren't quite changed yet down here. I think Mr Chiots and I are planning a camping trip when they do. Perhaps backpacking in PA for a few days.

  3. trapper creek: I find this dramatic show of color on the east coast to be a wonderful finale to the summer.

    Thankfully we have had a break in the heavy rains for a few weeks, what a wet season! We also gratefully have very forgiving soil, drains well, but doesnt dry out too fast.

    susy: Oh camping sounds great. We did take a wonderful forest walk yesterday morning and brought the camera to capture all of the interesting fungi and lichens growing in the woods this time of year.


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